Further reading
The publication on which the AWT project is based
Chowdhury, K. (2024). Impediments of Speaking English in EFL Classroom: A case study on Undergraduate level in Bangladesh. International Journal of English Language Teaching, vol.12, No.2, pp.66-81.
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- Ahmad, S. (2008). A Study on Motivation of the EFL Learners at Higher Secondary Level in Bangladesh. OnlineSubmission.
- Burns, A. (2016). Research and the teaching of speaking in the second language classroom. Handbook of research is second language teaching and learning, 3, 242-256.
- Chaney, A. L., & Burk, T. L. (1998). Teaching Oral Communication in Grades K-8. Allyn and Bacon, Order Processing, PO Box 11071, Des Moines, IA 50336-1071.
- Hamid, M. O., Jahan, I., & Islam, M. M. (2015). Medium of instruction policies and language practices, ideologies and institutional divides: Voices of teachers and students in a private university in Bangladesh. In Language planningfor medium of instruction in Asia (pp. 154-173). Routledge.
- Leitner, G., Hashim, A., & Wolf, H. G. (Eds.). (2016). Communicating with Asia: The future of English as a globallanguage. Cambridge University Press.
- Maleki, M. N., &Mahammadi, A.M. (2009) Self-esteem and anxiety of Iranian EFL learners in oral communication tasks. Journal of Linguistic Studies, 2(2), 39-46.
- Rahman, K. S., Paul, J. R., & Hasan, M. K. (2012). ICTs in the field of education in Bangladesh: Some salient features.Elixir International Journal, 47, pg-8977
- Rahman, M. M., & Pandian, A. (2018). A critical investigation of English language teaching in Bangladesh: Unfulfilled expectations after two decades of communicative language teaching. English Today, 34(3), 43-49.
- Rahman, S. (2015). English language policy initiatives and implementation in Bangladesh: Micro political issues. Asian EFL journal, 88, 59-96.
- Rahman, M. M., Islam, M. S., Karim, A., Chowdhury, T. A., Rahman, M. M., Seraj, P. M. I., & Singh, M. K. M.(2019). English language teaching in Bangladesh today: Issues, outcomes and implications. Language Testing inAsia, 9(1), 1-14.
- Wiltse, L. (2006). ‘Like pulling teeth’: Oral discourse practices in a culturally diverse language artsclassroom. Canadian Modern Language Review, 63(2), 199-223. Diamond, A. (2020). “Executive Functions.” Annual Review of Psychology, 71, 135-168.
- Warschauer, M., & Kern, R. (2020). “Network-Based Language Teaching: Concepts and Practice.” CambridgeUniversity Press.
- Ushioda, E., & Dörnyei, Z. (2017). “Beyond Global English: Motivation to Learn Languages in a Multilingual World.”System, 64, 85-96.
- Khan, M. S., Hasan, M., & Clement, C. K. (2018). “Barriers to the Introduction of ICT into Education in DevelopingCountries: The Example of Bangladesh.” International Journal of Instruction, 11(2), 41-56.